* A person who owns a puppy mill is called a puppy miller.
* Dogs are usually bred 2x a year.
* Puppy mills have been around since the 1960s.
* One way you can help stop puppy mills is to create awareness.
* Many puppy mills sell puppies at 6 weeks of age even though federal licensees are prohibited from selling puppies before 8 weeks of age.
* The average puppy mill will house 65-75 animals while large mills have thousands.
* Breeding dogs are bred as often as possible and may never see life outside of the mill.
* Inbreeding is prevalent in puppy mills resulting in animals with genetic diseases and abnormalities.
* Many puppies are taken from their mothers before they are weaned. These puppies often die of starvation because they have not learned how to eat.
*. The Animal Welfare Act falls short of what most individuals would consider minimum standards of care.
Check out a video on the HSUS website! It's called "why puppy mills stink" and it was the video contest winner! Also, don't forget my poll! Thank You!:)
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